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Solemn commitment
We are committed to protecting the privacy, personal data and personal data (collectively referred to as "personal data") provided by you when using our website, so that we can meet the highest standards in the collection, use, storage and transmission of personal data (laws and regulations related to personal data privacy) and consumer protection.
When you visit our website, we use Google stats through cookies to record our performance and check the effect of online advertising. Cookies are small amounts of data sent to your browser and stored on your computer's hard drive. Only when you use your computer to enter our website can cookies be sent to your computer hard disk.
Cookies are often used to record visitors' habits and preferences when browsing various items on our website. The data collected by cookies are anonymous collective statistics and do not contain personal data. Cookies cannot be used to obtain data on your hard disk, your email address, or your private data. When you visit our website again, you can save the step of registering again. Most browsers are preset to accept cookies. You can choose to set your browser not to accept cookies, or notify you as soon as cookies are installed. However, if it is set to prohibit cookies, you may not be able to start or use some functions of our website.
If you do not prohibit or remove cookies, every time you use the same computer to enter our website, our web server will notify us that you visited our website, and then we will identify you and your registration data and payment data, and collect information about usage, market research, travel process and participation in promotion activities.
You can change the settings on the browser of the computer you use to access our website to decide whether to accept cookies. If you like, you can change the settings on the browser. If you put your preferences on your browser, you can accept all cookies, receive notifications from cookies, and even reject all cookies. However, if you choose not to use cookies or reject all cookies in your browser, you may not be able to use or start some functions of our website, or you may need to log in to your data again.
Anonymity and anonymity of personal data
The personal data and unnamed data you provide to us will only be retained until the purpose of collection has been achieved, unless they continue to be retained in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.

Ownership and disclosure of personal data
All information collected on our website is owned by us and will not be rented or sold to any irrelevant third party.

Modification of privacy policy
This privacy policy may be amended from time to time without prior notice to you. Any changes to the privacy policy will be posted on our website.

Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.
This privacy update is dated May 12, 2022

Address:79 Duiker Avenue, Randpark Ridge, 2156 Randburg, Johannesburg,South Africa
TEL:Whatsapp:0027747461467(South Africa);Whatsapp 008615853252696(China)
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