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In February 2018, Hengfengyou Special Transformer Company undertook the manufacturing task of 10 traction transformers and 14 autotransformers for the whole line of Jingxiong High-speed Railway. In August 2019, Hengfengyo...
International: In June 2019, Hengfengyou Electrical Engineering Co., LTD won an order worth us $2.37 million from UZELECTROAPPARAT, operator of the Uzbek power transmission system, to supply 10/35kV oil-immersed transform...
Heavy chemical industries such as iron and steel metallurgy, petrochemical, cement and building materials are typical industries with high energy consumption. Energy costs account for a large proportion of production reso...
Solar power distribution transformer, Wind transformer.Thermal power plant, hydroelectric power station, nuclear power, wind power, solar power generation and heating energy companies such as electricity, itself needs to ...
Automobile, electronics, shipbuilding, tire, pulp and paper, food and textile and other manufacturing enterprises. The equipment operation power of these industries mainly comes from electric energy, which consumes a lot ...
Oil and gas exploitation and mining, oil fields, offshore oil platforms, coal mines, iron mines, copper mines, etc. these places have high requirements for transformer configuration, and many places need explosion-proof i...
The operation power of railway, subway and rail transit, transportation hub, expressway, port, port, airport, water treatment, waste treatment and other infrastructure mainly comes from electric energy. The safety, stabil...
Residential buildings, hospitals, schools, commercial buildings, hotels, exhibition buildings, shopping centers and other building facilities. The most important characteristics of these power supply and distribution faci...
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